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Shops from Puroki
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3701 days ago - Prontera 154, 81 - Peco and etc
x4Muka Card200,000z
x2Pecopeco Card4,900,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Iron Cain150,000z0z
x1Pecopeco Egg Card1,000,000z
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3702 days ago - Prontera 159, 62 - Safe,Peco and etc
x3Pecopeco Card4,900,000z
x2Safe to 7 Headgear Certificate4,400,000z0z
x1Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate3,400,000z0z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z0z
x1Iron Cain150,000z
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3703 days ago - Prontera 154, 70 - Peco card and etc
x1Pecopeco Card5,000,000z0z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Iron Cain100,000z0z
x1Iron Cain100,000z
x3Muka Card250,000z
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3703 days ago - Prontera 154, 70 - Peco card and etc
x2Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x479Maneater Blossom1,300z0z
x1Iron Cain100,000z
x1Iron Cain100,000z
x3Muka Card250,000z
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3703 days ago - Prontera 156, 64 - Peco and etc
x3Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x3Muka Card300,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x177Wind of Verdure9,000z0z
x379Elder Branch10,000z0z
x1Savage Bebe Card1,000,000z0z
x70Great Nature3,000z0z
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3704 days ago - Prontera 155, 65 - Reset,Peco etc
x1Magical Stone5,100,000z0z
x2Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x2Muka Card300,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Iron Cain200,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x379Elder Branch10,000z
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3704 days ago - Prontera 155, 65 - Reset,Peco etc
x1Magical Stone5,100,000z
x3Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x2Muka Card300,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Iron Cain200,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x97Wind of Verdure9,000z0z
x379Elder Branch10,000z
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3704 days ago - Prontera 158, 63 - Peco,Ahlspiess,Gungnir
x4Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x2Muka Card300,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Iron Cain200,000z
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3705 days ago - Prontera 156, 71 - Peco,Ahlspiess,Gungnir,etc
x4Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x2Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x2Muka Card300,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Whip of Balance [3]30,000z
x1Iron Cain300,000z
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3706 days ago - Prontera 146, 58 - Peco,Gungnir,Ahlspiess
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x2Muka Card300,000z
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3707 days ago - Prontera 151, 75 - Peco,Gungnir,Ahlspess
x2Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]900,000z0z
x2Muka Card300,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Cold Heart400,000z0z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
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3707 days ago - Prontera 154, 64 - Reset,Peco,Gungnir
x2Magical Stone5,100,000z0z
x1Cardo [1]900,000z
x4Pecopeco Card5,500,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x1Cold Heart400,000z
x2Muka Card300,000z
x1Hill Wind Card900,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
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3708 days ago - Prontera 157, 93 - Pecopeco card Reset and etc
x2Magical Stone5,200,000z
x2Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x2Muka Card250,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x1Cardo [1]900,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z0z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Cold Heart400,000z
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3708 days ago - Prontera 153, 64 - Reset,Pecopeco card,Gungnir
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x3Muka Card300,000z
x3Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Cardo [1]900,000z
x2Magical Stone5,300,000z
x2Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x1Cold Heart400,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
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3708 days ago - Prontera 153, 64 - Reset,Pecopeco card,Gungnir
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,000,000z
x3Muka Card300,000z
x3Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Cardo [1]900,000z
x2Magical Stone5,300,000z
x2Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x1Cold Heart400,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
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3708 days ago - Prontera 153, 63 - Pecopeco,Gungnir,Cardo
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,200,000z
x3Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Cardo [1]900,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Cold Heart400,000z
x30Rusty Screw3,000z
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3709 days ago - Prontera 153, 63 - Pecopeco,Gungnir,Cardo
x1Pecopeco Card5,000,000z0z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,200,000z
x3Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Hill Wind Card800,000z
x1Cardo [1]900,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]100,000z
x1Cold Heart400,000z
x30Rusty Screw3,000z
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3709 days ago - Prontera 152, 62 - Pecopeco and etc
x2Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x3Muka Card300,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card1,300,000z
x1Hill Wind Card900,000z
x4Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Armor of Naga [1]90,000z0z
x1Armor of Naga [1]90,000z0z
x1Cold Heart400,000z
x1Iron Cain100,000z
x5Dead Branch19,000z0z
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3709 days ago - Prontera 155, 60 - Pecopeco card and etc
x2Pecopeco Card5,000,000z
x1Hill Wind Card900,000z
x3Muka Card300,000z
x7Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Luciola Vespa Card900,000z
x1Sprint Mail [1]200,000z0z
x1Sprint Ring19,000,000z0z
x1Brooch [1]200,000z0z
x1Whip of Balance [3]25,000z
x1Iron Cain200,000z
x1Cold Heart500,000z
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3709 days ago - Prontera 156, 59 - Pecopeco card ......etc
3711 days ago - Prontera 160, 68 - Pecopeco card and etc
x1Hill Wind Card900,000z
x2Muka Card300,000z
x1Pecopeco Card6,000,000z0z
x1Carga Mace [2]5,000,000z0z
x1Carga Mace [2]5,000,000z0z
x253Maneater Root350z0z
x7Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Beetle King Card100,000z
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3712 days ago - Prontera 155, 83 - Many things
x7Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Savage Bebe Card1,300,000z0z
x2Muka Card300,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]5,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]5,000,000z
x3Great Nature2,500z
x1Hill Wind Card1,000,000z
x253Maneater Root400z
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3713 days ago - Prontera 155, 87 - Pecopeco card and etc
x7Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Savage Bebe Card1,500,000z
x1Hill Wind Card1,000,000z
x2Muka Card300,000z
x44Great Nature2,500z
x1Carga Mace [2]5,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]5,500,000z
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3713 days ago - Prontera 155, 87 - Pecopeco card and etc
x1Grand Peco Card100,000z0z
x7Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Savage Bebe Card1,500,000z
x1Pecopeco Card6,000,000z0z
x1Hill Wind Card1,000,000z
x2Muka Card300,000z
x44Great Nature2,500z
x195White Herb800z0z
x1Carga Mace [2]5,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]5,500,000z
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3713 days ago - Prontera 155, 87 - Pecopeco card and etc
x1Grand Peco Card100,000z
x7Magmaring Card90,000z
x1Savage Bebe Card1,500,000z
x1Pecopeco Card6,000,000z
x1Hill Wind Card1,000,000z
x4Muka Card300,000z
x44Great Nature2,500z
x195White Herb800z
x1Carga Mace [2]5,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]5,500,000z
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