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3472 days ago - Prontera 143, 171 - Mostly junk
3473 days ago - Prontera 143, 172 - Thank God It's Friday
x1+7 Crescent Scythe9,000,000z
x1Orc Skeleton Card50,000z
x3Zenorc Card50,000z0z
x1Evil Druid Card1,000,000z0z
x1Curved Sword [2]80,000z
x1Katana [4]19,000z
x1Katana [4]18,000z
x1Katana [4]17,000z
x1Katana [4]16,000z
x1Katana [4]15,000z
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3476 days ago - Prontera 142, 169 - Cards, Headgears & Weapons
x1+7 Crescent Scythe10,000,000z
x1Katana [4]20,000z0z
x1Curved Sword [2]40,000z
x1Ruber [1]900,000z
x1Marionette Card50,000z0z
x2Orc Skeleton Card50,000z
x3Zenorc Card25,000z0z
x1Puppy Headband75,000z
x1Assassin Mask1,000,000z
x1Orc Helm25,000z
x1Biretta [1]25,000z
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3477 days ago - Prontera 143, 171 - Cards/Fabrics/Weapons/Headgear/Fish
x423Fresh Fish240z
x1Marionette Card100,000z
x4Zenorc Card75,000z
x2Orc Skeleton Card80,000z
x1+7 Crescent Scythe10,000,000z
x1Bible [2]90,000z
x1Book of the Apocalypse100,000z
x1Puppy Headband75,000z0z
x1Orc Helm25,000z0z
x1Biretta [1]50,000z
x1Katana [4]25,000z
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3477 days ago - Prontera 143, 171 - Coupons/Fabrics/Cards/Weapons/Etc.
3477 days ago - Prontera 143, 171 - Coupons/Fabrics/Ears/Cards/Weapons
x4112th Anniversary Coupon4,000z
x1Puppy Headband75,000z
x1Kitty Band1,000,000z0z
x1Black Cat Ears2,000,000z0z
x1Crescent Scythe500,000z0z
x1+7 Crescent Scythe10,000,000z
x1Marionette Card100,000z
x4Zenorc Card100,000z
x2Orc Skeleton Card100,000z
x1Bible [2]100,000z
x1Book of the Apocalypse150,000z
Link to this shop.

3482 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Cards, ears, weapons, etc.
3482 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Cards, ears, weapons, etc.
3482 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Cards, ears, weapons, etc.
3482 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Cards, ears, coupons and weapons
x1Marionette Card100,000z
x4Zenorc Card100,000z
x2Orc Skeleton Card100,000z
x1Kitty Band1,500,000z
x1Black Cat Ears2,500,000z
x1Crescent Scythe1,000,000z
x1+5 Crescent Scythe5,000,000z
x1Book of the Apocalypse150,000z
Link to this shop.

3482 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Cards, ears, coupons and weapons
x1Marionette Card100,000z
x4Zenorc Card100,000z
x2Orc Skeleton Card100,000z
x1Kitty Band1,500,000z
x1Black Cat Ears2,500,000z
x1Crescent Scythe1,000,000z
x1+5 Crescent Scythe5,000,000z
x1Book of the Apocalypse150,000z
Link to this shop.

3482 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Cards, ears, coupons and weapons
x1Marionette Card100,000z
x4Zenorc Card100,000z
x2Orc Skeleton Card100,000z
x1Kitty Band1,500,000z
x1Black Cat Ears2,500,000z
x1Crescent Scythe1,000,000z
x1+5 Crescent Scythe5,000,000z
x1Book of the Apocalypse150,000z
Link to this shop.

3482 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Cards, ears, coupons and weapons
x1Marionette Card100,000z
x4Zenorc Card100,000z
x3Orc Skeleton Card100,000z
x1Kitty Band1,500,000z
x1Black Cat Ears2,500,000z
x1Crescent Scythe1,000,000z
x1+5 Crescent Scythe5,000,000z
x1Book of the Apocalypse150,000z
Link to this shop.

3482 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Cards, ears, coupons and weapons
3482 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Cards, ears, coupons and weapons
3482 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Cards, ears, coupons and weapons
3482 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Cards, ears, coupons and weapons
x1Phen Card8,000,000z0z
x1Marionette Card100,000z
x4Zenorc Card100,000z
x3Orc Skeleton Card100,000z
x1Puppy Headband75,000z
x1Kitty Band1,500,000z
x1Black Cat Ears2,500,000z
x1Crescent Scythe1,000,000z
x1+5 Crescent Scythe5,000,000z
x1Book of the Apocalypse150,000z
x13912th Anniversary Coupon5,000z
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3487 days ago - Prontera 147, 187 - Phen card, fish, coupons, cat ears
x2Phen Card8,000,000z
x1423Fresh Fish240z
x1Crescent Scythe1,000,000z
x1Kitty Band2,000,000z
x1Black Cat Ears3,000,000z
x1Puppy Headband70,000z
x1Evil Druid Card1,000,000z0z
x1Marionette Card200,000z
x3Zenorc Card200,000z
x3Orc Skeleton Card200,000z
x1Gae Bolg65,000z
x2312th Anniversary Coupon7,500z
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3500 days ago - Prontera 136, 199 - Fresh fish and other assorted things
x2423Fresh Fish240z
x1Survivor's Manteau75,000z
x1Curved Sword [2]150,000z
x1Bible [2]100,000z
x1Kitty Band1,750,000z
x1Black Cat Ears2,500,000z
x1Marionette Card250,000z
x3Zenorc Card250,000z
x3Orc Skeleton Card75,000z
Link to this shop.

3500 days ago - Prontera 136, 199 - Fresh fish and other assorted things
x2423Fresh Fish240z
x1Survivor's Manteau75,000z
x1Curved Sword [2]150,000z
x1Bible [2]100,000z
x1Gae Bolg70,000z0z
x1Kitty Band1,750,000z
x1Black Cat Ears2,500,000z
x1Katana [4]23,000z0z
x1Spiritual Ring250,000z0z
x1Marionette Card250,000z
x3Zenorc Card250,000z
x3Orc Skeleton Card75,000z
Link to this shop.

3501 days ago - Prontera 136, 203 - Fresh fish and other assorted stuff
x1070Fresh Fish240z0z
x43Squid Ink3,000z
x59Heart of Mermaid3,000z
x1Kitty Band1,500,000z
x1Black Cat Ears2,500,000z
x1Gae Bolg80,000z
x1Bible [2]90,000z
x1Curved Sword [2]150,000z
x1Survivor's Manteau60,000z
x1Angry Snarl90,000z0z
x3Zenorc Card250,000z
x3Orc Skeleton Card90,000z
Link to this shop.

3501 days ago - Prontera 136, 200 - Fresh fish and other assorted things
x2220Fresh Fish240z
x43Squid Ink3,000z
x1Bible [2]100,000z
x1Curved Sword [2]150,000z
x1Gae Bolg90,000z
x1Battle Axe [4]25,000z
x1Katana [4]23,000z
x1Kitty Band2,000,000z
x1Black Cat Ears3,000,000z
x3Orc Skeleton Card90,000z
x3Zenorc Card300,000z
x1Marionette Card300,000z
Link to this shop.

3502 days ago - Prontera 137, 200 - Fresh fish and other assorted goods
x2750Fresh Fish240z
x1Katana [4]24,000z
x1Ragamuffin Manteau100,000z
x1Gae Bolg100,000z
x1Poring Egg150,000z0z
x1Biretta [1]50,000z
x1Curved Sword [2]150,000z
x1Kitty Band1,700,000z
x1Bible [2]100,000z
x3Orc Skeleton Card100,000z
x3Zenorc Card300,000z
x1Marionette Card300,000z
Link to this shop.

3502 days ago - Prontera 138, 197 - Fresh fish and other assorted stuff
x2750Fresh Fish240z
x45Squid Ink3,500z
x1Katana [4]25,000z
x1Gae Bolg100,000z
x1Battle Axe [4]35,000z
x1Orc Helm100,000z0z
x1Kitty Band1,750,000z
x1Bible [2]100,000z
x3Orc Skeleton Card100,000z
x3Zenorc Card400,000z
x1Marionette Card300,000z
Link to this shop.

3502 days ago - Prontera 138, 197 - Fresh fish and other assorted stuff
x2750Fresh Fish240z
x45Squid Ink3,500z
x1Katana [4]25,000z
x1Gae Bolg100,000z
x1Battle Axe [4]35,000z
x1Orc Helm100,000z
x1Kitty Band1,750,000z
x1Bible [2]100,000z
x3Orc Skeleton Card100,000z
x3Zenorc Card400,000z
x1Evil Druid Card1,000,000z
x1Marionette Card300,000z
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