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Shops from Inaduma
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3894 days ago - Prontera 121, 71 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/Musketeer/+5Ridew
3894 days ago - Prontera 121, 71 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/Musketeer/+5Ridew
3894 days ago - Prontera 121, 71 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/Musketeer/+5Ridew
x9Heroic Desocketing Book29,400,059z
x1Musketeer Hat [1]50,000,000z
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]46,108,608z
x2Verit Card7,250,564z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]20,712,562z
x2Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate7,372,797z
x1Elven Bow [1]12,096,156z0z
x6Stone of Sage1,725,064z
x1HD Elunium 10 Box10,395,000z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,796,195z
x1Morrigane's Helm874,684z0z
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3895 days ago - Prontera 121, 71 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/Musketeer/+5Ridew
x9Heroic Desocketing Book29,400,059z
x1Musketeer Hat [1]55,000,000z
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]46,108,608z
x2Verit Card7,178,776z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]20,712,562z
x2Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate7,447,270z
x1Elven Bow [1]11,880,000z0z
x7Stone of Sage1,725,064z
x1HD Elunium 10 Box11,880,000z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,796,195z
x1Morrigane's Helm874,684z
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3896 days ago - Prontera 121, 71 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/Musketeer/+5Ridew
3896 days ago - Prontera 121, 71 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/Musketeer/+5Ridew
3897 days ago - Prontera 121, 71 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/Musketeer/+5Ridew
3897 days ago - Prontera 121, 71 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/Musketeer/+5Ridew
x9Heroic Desocketing Book29,997,000z
x1Musketeer Hat [1]60,000,000z
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]47,044,800z
x3Verit Card7,324,535z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,133,112z
x2Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate7,522,495z
x7Stone of Sage1,725,236z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,852,970z
x1Goibne's Greaves599,940z0z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z0z
x1Rosary [1]357,035z0z
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3897 days ago - Prontera 121, 71 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/Musketeer/+5Ridew
x8Heroic Desocketing Book29,997,000z
x1Musketeer Hat [1]60,000,000z
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]47,044,800z
x3Verit Card7,324,535z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,133,112z
x1Variant Shoes19,209,998z0z
x2Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate7,522,495z
x1Galapago Cap6,000,000z0z
x8Stone of Sage1,725,236z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,852,970z
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3897 days ago - Prontera 122, 70 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/Musketeer/+5Ridew
x8Heroic Desocketing Book29,997,000z
x1Musketeer Hat [1]60,000,000z
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]47,044,800z
x3Verit Card7,324,535z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,133,112z
x1Variant Shoes19,209,998z
x2Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate7,522,495z
x8Stone of Sage1,725,236z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,852,970z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z
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3897 days ago - Prontera 122, 70 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/Musketeer/+5Ridew
x8Heroic Desocketing Book29,997,000z
x1Musketeer Hat [1]60,000,000z
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]47,044,800z
x3Verit Card7,324,535z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,133,112z
x1Variant Shoes19,019,800z0z
x2Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate7,522,495z
x8Stone of Sage1,725,236z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,852,970z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z
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3897 days ago - Prontera 122, 70 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/+5Rideword/Verit/
x8Heroic Desocketing Book29,997,000z
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]47,044,800z
x3Verit Card7,324,535z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,133,112z
x1Variant Shoes19,019,800z
x2Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate7,522,495z
x8Stone of Sage1,725,236z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,852,970z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z
x1Rosary [1]357,035z
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3897 days ago - Prontera 122, 70 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/+5Rideword/Verit/
x8Heroic Desocketing Book29,997,000z
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]47,044,800z
x3Verit Card7,324,535z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,133,112z
x1Variant Shoes19,019,800z
x2Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate7,598,480z
x1Morrigane's Manteau15,148,485z0z
x8Stone of Sage1,725,236z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,852,970z
x1Morrigane's Helm874,772z0z
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3898 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/+5Rideword/+7Rope
x8Heroic Desocketing Book29,700,000z
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]47,520,000z
x3Verit Card7,252,014z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,346,578z
x1Variant Shoes19,211,920z
x2Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate7,598,480z
x1Morrigane's Manteau14,998,500z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,881,788z
x1Stone of Sage1,708,154z
x1Morrigane's Helm883,609z
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3899 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - Heroic/Mailbreaker/+5Rideword/+7Rope
x9Heroic Desocketing Book29,700,000z
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]47,520,000z
x4Verit Card7,252,014z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,346,578z
x1Variant Shoes19,211,920z
x1Morrigane's Manteau14,998,500z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,881,788z
x1Stone of Sage1,708,154z
x1Morrigane's Helm883,609z
x1Sweet Valentine659,034z
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3899 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - Mailbreaker/+5Rideword/+7Rope/RTE/Va
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]47,520,000z
x4Verit Card7,252,014z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,346,578z
x1Variant Shoes19,211,920z
x1Morrigane's Manteau14,998,500z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,881,788z
x1Stone of Sage1,708,154z
x1Morrigane's Helm883,609z
x1Sweet Valentine659,034z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z
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3899 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - Mailbreaker/+5Rideword/+7Rope/RTE/Va
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]47,520,000z
x4Verit Card7,252,014z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,346,578z
x1Variant Shoes19,211,920z
x1Morrigane's Manteau14,850,000z0z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,881,788z
x1Stone of Sage1,708,154z
x1Morrigane's Helm883,609z
x1Sweet Valentine659,034z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z
Link to this shop.

3899 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - Mailbreaker/+5Rideword/+7Rope/RTE/Va
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]48,000,000z
x4Verit Card7,325,267z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,562,200z
x1Variant Shoes19,405,980z
x1Morrigane's Manteau15,000,000z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,910,897z
x1Stone of Sage1,725,409z
x1Morrigane's Helm892,535z
x1Sweet Valentine665,691z
Link to this shop.

3899 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - Mailbreaker/+5Rideword/+7Rope/RTE/Va
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]48,000,000z
x4Verit Card7,325,267z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,562,200z
x1Variant Shoes19,405,980z
x1Morrigane's Manteau15,000,000z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,910,897z
x1Stone of Sage1,725,409z
x1Morrigane's Helm892,535z
x1Sweet Valentine665,691z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z0z
Link to this shop.

3900 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - Mailbreaker/+5Rideword/+7Rope/RTE/Va
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]48,000,000z
x4Verit Card7,325,267z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,562,200z
x1Variant Shoes19,405,980z
x1Morrigane's Manteau15,000,000z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,910,897z
x1Stone of Sage1,725,409z
x1Morrigane's Helm892,535z
x1Sweet Valentine665,691z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z
Link to this shop.

3900 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - +5Rideword/+7Rope/RTE/Variant/Morrig
x1+5 Rideword Hat [1]48,000,000z
x4Verit Card7,325,267z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,562,200z
x1Variant Shoes19,405,980z
x1Morrigane's Manteau15,000,000z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,910,897z
x1Stone of Sage1,725,409z
x1Morrigane's Helm892,535z
x1Sweet Valentine665,691z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z
x1Rosary [1]357,035z
Link to this shop.

3900 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - +7Rope/RTE/Variant/Morrigane/Filir/V
x4Verit Card7,325,267z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,562,200z
x1Variant Shoes19,405,980z
x1Morrigane's Manteau15,000,000z
x1Filir's Pinions14,036,796z0z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,910,897z
x1Morrigane's Pendant2,870,960z0z
x1Stone of Sage1,725,409z
x1Morrigane's Helm785,070z0z
x1Sweet Valentine665,691z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z
x1Rosary [1]357,035z
Link to this shop.

3900 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - +7Rope/RTE/Variant/Morrigane/Filir/V
x4Verit Card7,325,267z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,562,200z
x1Variant Shoes19,405,980z
x1Morrigane's Manteau15,000,000z
x1Filir's Pinions14,036,796z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,910,897z
x1Morrigane's Pendant2,870,960z
x1Stone of Sage1,725,409z
x1Morrigane's Helm785,070z
x1Sweet Valentine665,691z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z
x1Rosary [1]357,035z
Link to this shop.

3900 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - +7Rope/RTE/Variant/Filir/Verit/Morri
x4Verit Card7,325,267z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,562,200z
x1Variant Shoes19,405,980z
x1Filir's Pinions14,036,796z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,910,897z
x1Morrigane's Pendant2,870,960z
x1Stone of Sage1,725,409z
x1Morrigane's Helm785,070z
x1Sweet Valentine665,691z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z
x1Rosary [1]357,035z
x1Crystal Pumps254,999z
Link to this shop.

3900 days ago - Prontera 121, 70 - +7Rope/RTE/Variant/Filir/Verit/Morri
x4Verit Card7,325,267z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]21,562,200z
x1Variant Shoes19,405,980z
x1Filir's Pinions14,036,796z
x1Morrigane's Belt3,924,982z0z
x1+7 Skipping Rope2,910,897z
x1Morrigane's Pendant2,899,960z
x1Stone of Sage1,742,838z
x1Morrigane's Helm785,070z
x1Sweet Valentine665,691z
x1Goibne's Greaves500,000z0z
x1Goibne's Spaulders500,000z
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