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Shops from Nederlander
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3772 days ago - Prontera 155, 87 - Special weapons
x1Great Axe90,000z0z
x1Dragon Slayer1,000,000z
x1Dea Staff [1]160,000z0z
x1Bradium Stonehammer1,000,000z
x1Immaterial Sword780,000z
x1Solar Sword230,000z
x1Longinus's Spear500,000z
x1Weihna [2]200,000z0z
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3778 days ago - Prontera 144, 69 - lucky stuff
x33Lucky Rice Cake3,500,000z
x18Blue Potion6,000z
x201Rainbow Cake2,300z0z
x31Flame Heart10,000z0z
x34Mastela Fruit6,000z
x1Andre Card1,800,000z0z
x2Andre Egg Card150,000z
x2Nightmare Terror Card200,000z
x1Grove Card15,000z0z
x1Marina Card700,000z0z
x1Treasure Box600,000z
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3784 days ago - Prontera 144, 73 - cards and more
x1Marina Card750,000z
x1Grove Card40,000z
x51Flame Heart9,000z
x2Santa Poring Card90,000z0z
x2Nightmare Terror Card350,000z
x4Andre Card1,800,000z
x2Andre Egg Card90,000z
x1Mantis Card750,000z0z
x1Phen Card10,000,000z0z
x1Strouf Card400,000z0z
x2Hydra Card400,000z0z
x34Mastela Fruit5,555z
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3785 days ago - Prontera 143, 77 - just som random things
x1Christmas Musicbox14,500,000z
x2Santa Poring Card90,000z
x2Nightmare Terror Card420,000z
x2Andre Card1,900,000z
x2Andre Egg Card80,000z
x1Thiefbug Egg Card150,000z
x1Mantis Card750,000z
x1Phen Card11,000,000z
x1Strouf Card350,000z
x2Hydra Card400,000z
x1Condor Card40,000z
x51Flame Heart9,000z
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3786 days ago - Prontera 143, 70 - just some simble things
x1Cat Santa Hat20,000,000z
x1Christmas Musicbox14,000,000z
x2Hydra Card400,000z
x1Strouf Card400,000z
x1Phen Card11,000,000z
x1Condor Card40,000z
x1Mantis Card2,000,000z
x1Thiefbug Egg Card150,000z
x2Andre Card2,400,000z
x2Santa Poring Card85,000z
x2Nightmare Terror Card2,400,000z
x2Andre Egg Card40,000z
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3801 days ago - Prontera 152, 66 - just some stuf u might need
x201Rainbow Cake12,000z
x18Giggling Box45,000z
x1Treasure Box450,000z
x1Boots [1]150,000z
x1Cat Santa Hat35,000,000z
x1Claire Suits [1]170,000z
x1Muffler [1]75,000z0z
x1Cowardice Blade [2]40,000z
x1Clip [1]350,000z0z
x7Inside-out Shirt150,000z
x51Flame Heart10,000z
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3806 days ago - Prontera 145, 75 - cat santa hat and more
x1Cat Santa Hat25,000,000z
x1Treasure Box600,000z
x1Clip [1]400,000z
x1Ribbon [1]1,000z
x1Boots [1]300,000z
x2Nightmare Terror Card300,000z
x2Santa Poring Card150,000z
x2Strouf Card450,000z0z
x18Blue Potion4,000z
x51Flame Heart10,000z
x22Royal Jelly5,500z
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3806 days ago - Prontera 147, 70 - cat santa hat and more
x7Inside-out Shirt200,000z
x51Flame Heart15,000z
x2Strouf Card500,000z
x7Condensed White Potion4,000z0z
x18Blue Potion5,000z
x181Condensed White Potion4,000z0z
x1Cat Santa Hat25,000,000z
x2Santa Poring Card180,000z
x2Nightmare Terror Card350,000z
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3807 days ago - Prontera 144, 72 - just some items u might need
x91Blue Potion4,000z0z
x1Ledger of Death [2]120,000z0z
x1Boots [1]400,000z
x43Elder Branch7,000z0z
x1Ribbon [1]5,000z
x51Flame Heart10,000z
x18Giggling Box49,000z
x1Will of Warrior100,000z
x13Mastela Fruit5,000z
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3961 days ago - Prontera 141, 74 - stuff under 1 mill in a 1 hour shop
3975 days ago - Prontera 142, 71 - some random treasures
x1Treasure Box420,000z
x1Crystal Pumps100,000z0z
x1Ledger of Death [2]120,000z
x1Merman Card1,000,000z
x1Ribbon [1]20,000z
x201Rainbow Cake15,000z
x23Plain Rice Cake1,000z
x33Lucky Rice Cake1,750,000z
x51Flame Heart25,000z
x1+4 Diligent Hurricane Fury [1]90,000,000z0z
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3975 days ago - Prontera 140, 72 - just some random items
x1Full Plate [1]100,000z0z
x1Pinguicula Corsage [1]500,000z0z
x1Stone Buckler [1]45,000z0z
x1Glittering Jacket [1]280,000z0z
x201Rainbow Cake28,000z
x1Hydra Card600,000z0z
x1Merman Card1,000,000z
x1Novice Poring Card150,000z
x28Snow Flower3,000,000z
x33Lucky Rice Cake1,750,000z
x23Plain Rice Cake1,000z
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3990 days ago - Prontera 143, 72 - just some items i might need
x1Glittering Jacket [1]300,000z0z
x19Hammer of Blacksmith80,000z0z
x33Lucky Rice Cake8,000,000z
x51Flame Heart40,000z
x1Merman Card800,000z
x1Pinguicula Corsage [1]750,000z
x28Snow Flower5,000,000z
x1Novice Poring Card40,000z
x1Novice Poring Egg7,500z0z
x1Poring Egg45,000z0z
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3990 days ago - Prontera 143, 72 - just some random stuf
x1Glittering Jacket [1]250,000z
x1Rosary [1]400,000z0z
x1Pinguicula Corsage [1]800,000z
x1Poring Egg50,000z
x1Novice Poring Egg10,000z
x1Novice Poring Card50,000z
x1Merman Card800,000z
x1Goibne's Greaves300,000z0z
x19Hammer of Blacksmith80,000z
x33Lucky Rice Cake8,000,000z
x1Phen Card15,000,000z0z
x51Flame Heart40,000z
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3995 days ago - Prontera 143, 72 - forge stuf and rice
x1Phen Card17,000,000z
x1Glittering Jacket [1]300,000z0z
x21Hammer of Blacksmith90,000z
x51Flame Heart25,000z
x2Rare Rough Runestone400,000z
x1Andre Egg Card75,000z
x28Snow Flower2,500,000z
x23Mastela Fruit5,000z0z
x33Lucky Rice Cake3,500,000z
x18Giggling Box4,000z
x23Plain Rice Cake1,000z
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3995 days ago - Prontera 142, 73 - forge stuf and more
x1Phen Card17,000,000z
x1Glittering Jacket [1]300,000z
x11Hammer of Blacksmith90,000z
x18Giggling Box6,000z
x28Snow Flower2,500,000z
x23Mastela Fruit5,000z
x186Red Blood8,000z0z
x12Flame Heart20,000z0z
x1Andre Egg Card75,000z
x2Rare Rough Runestone500,000z
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4000 days ago - Prontera 144, 70 - just some stuf u might need
4000 days ago - Prontera 144, 70 - just some stuf u might need
x1Glittering Jacket [1]250,000z
x1Pinguicula Corsage [1]1,000,000z
x1Glittering Jacket [1]250,000z
x1Glittering Jacket [1]250,000z
x1Nightmare Terror Card2,000,000z
x186Red Blood8,000z
x33Lucky Rice Cake2,000,000z
x49Flame Heart30,000z0z
x28Snow Flower3,200,000z
x43Authoritative Badge5,000z
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4001 days ago - Prontera 151, 177 - forge stuf and more
x1+5 Very Strong Ice Damascus2,200,000z
x1Glittering Jacket [1]250,000z0z
x1Sura's Rampage [1]350,000z0z
x41Flame Heart39,000z
x186Red Blood19,000z
x33Lucky Rice Cake3,500,000z
x10Rough Elunium4,000z
x23Mastela Fruit5,000z
x18Giggling Box6,000z
x1Nightmare Terror Card2,250,000z
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4001 days ago - Prontera 151, 177 - forge stuf and more
x1+5 Very Strong Ice Damascus2,200,000z
x1Glittering Jacket [1]250,000z
x1Sura's Rampage [1]350,000z
x41Flame Heart39,000z
x186Red Blood19,000z
x33Lucky Rice Cake3,500,000z
x13Rough Elunium4,000z
x23Mastela Fruit5,000z
x18Giggling Box6,000z
x1Nightmare Terror Card2,250,000z
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4001 days ago - Prontera 151, 177 - forge stuf and more
x1+5 Very Strong Ice Damascus2,200,000z
x1Glittering Jacket [1]250,000z
x1Sura's Rampage [1]350,000z
x41Flame Heart39,000z
x186Red Blood19,000z
x33Lucky Rice Cake3,500,000z
x13Rough Elunium4,000z
x23Mastela Fruit5,000z
x18Giggling Box6,000z
x1Nightmare Terror Card2,250,000z
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4001 days ago - Prontera 151, 177 - forge stuf and more
x1+5 Very Strong Ice Damascus2,200,000z
x1Glittering Jacket [1]250,000z
x1Sura's Rampage [1]350,000z
x41Flame Heart39,000z
x186Red Blood19,000z
x33Lucky Rice Cake3,500,000z
x13Rough Elunium4,000z
x23Mastela Fruit5,000z
x18Giggling Box6,000z
x1Nightmare Terror Card2,250,000z
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4001 days ago - Prontera 141, 72 - forge stuff and more
x86Evil Horn9,000z0z
x107Rough Oridecon10,000z0z
x1Emperium Anvil4,000,000z0z
x1Glittering Jacket [1]250,000z
x1Phen Card15,500,000z0z
x1+9 Stiletto [3]1,400,000z0z
x4Tantan Noodle200,000z0z
x33Lucky Rice Cake4,500,000z
x1Vidar's Boots250,000z0z
x1+5 Very Strong Ice Damascus2,300,000z
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4004 days ago - Prontera 143, 74 - 1 hour shop
4004 days ago - Prontera 142, 71 - gears and more
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